Ilya Burlak Profile

Ilya Burlak
Ilya Burlak.

I only started prioritizing visiting World Heritage sites a few years ago and with my limited US-based corporate-warrior time-off allocation and family obligations I can only add a handful to a dozen in any given year. Looking forward to visiting them all after I am able to retire...

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Recent Reviews Ilya Burlak


Ilya Burlak USA - 21-Aug-24


I visited Cuzco in May of 2024. Echoing the previous reviewers, it is a lovely living town with a visible exceptional blend of pre-Columbian and Colonial design, boasting a number of superb points of interest.

The central plaza is the focal point of the historic center, presided over by two magnificent churches. La Compania is primarily interesting from the outside, while the cathedral unusually feels like being made up of three side-by-side churches and offers an additional highlight of the "Andean" Last Supper painting, featuring guinea pig as the main course and Francisco Pizarro as Judas. Balconies of the buildings surrounding the main square - and all around the town - are another visual highlight.

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Salt Mines of Maras (T)

Ilya Burlak USA - 01-Aug-24

Salt Mines of Maras (T)

Possibly because I have never toured a salt flats site before, Maras saltineras impressed me a lot. The deceptive simplicity of the process, coupled with the visuals of hundreds - or is it thousands? - terraced ponds, made the site quite memorable. I also very much like that it is an active production, which further differentiates it in the area that is most famous for its remnants of civilizations long gone.

You really only need 25-30 minutes here, including the time to get from the parking lot to the viewing platform and back. The information boards are all in Spanish, so having an English-speaking guide may make the visit more enjoyable for some. There is on-site free wi-fi if you want to use an online translator and your mobile signal starts acting up in the ravine.

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Machu Picchu

Ilya Burlak USA - 31-Jul-24

Machu Picchu

I visited Machu Picchu in May of 2024. I suspect it is one of the most obvious bucket-list destinations for anyone who's ever been bitten by the travel bug, so I will skip touting its qualities. In fact, it seems that most of the visit details that I mention in this review have already been covered in the previous reviews. I will probably offer only the slightest of variations. Although not when it comes to rain in the supposedly dry season...

Since the number of visitors is capped daily, whether you hike Camino Inca or ride the bus from Aguas Calientes to the visitor gates, you should purchase your entry tickets in advance. The hour printed on your ticket is the earliest you can enter - and 59 minutes later will be the latest

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Ilya Burlak USA - 02-Jul-24


I visited Arequipa in May of 2024, possibly very close to the time that Dennis was there as well, and truth be told, I have little to add to his review. Arequipa is a type of town I usually label "not without interest" - a different way of saying "pleasant but not exceptional". The volcano peaks and the volcanic rock material used in construction add a bit of appeal. Mestizo Baroque church portals offer occasional eye-catching details, as do a number of buildings within the historic core grid. The overall ensemble, though, is no more than fine.

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Ilya Burlak USA - 12-Jun-24


My trip to Peru in May 2024 had two full-day bookends in Lima, which gave me plenty of time to explore the historic center. I share the opinion that you can find more impressive ensembles elsewhere. "Ensemble" is the key word here. While there are plenty of eye-catching details, they do not add up to a consistent overall picture. Nor is there a killer must-see feature, as has already been stated.

Plaza de Armas and the San Francisco Convent are the main attractions, and the library at Santo Domingo is as impressive as any old library elsewhere

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Profile Data

Ilya Burlak

Recently Visited WHS

Update 15.05.24

5 Countries Complete

Belize . Holy See . Israel . Andorra . San Marino .

Rating Stats
Brugge 5
Petra 5
Prague 5
Rome 5
Siena 5
Vienna 5
Acropolis 4.5
Assisi 4.5
Bryggen 4.5
Istanbul 4.5
Kraków 4.5
Oporto 4.5
Pompei 4.5
Potsdam 4.5
Seville 4.5
Sintra 4.5
Toledo 4.5
Albi 4
Delos 4
L'viv 4
Mostar 4
Split 4
Urbino 4
Verona 4
Arles 3.5
Ferrara 3.5
Graz 3.5
Kotor 3.5
Pienza 3.5
Québec 3.5
Tarraco 3.5
Belem 3
Cuzco 3
Evora 3
Lima 3
Masada 3
Modena 3
Odesa 3
Reims 3
Trogir 3
Bethlehem 2.5
Panamá 2.5
Schokland 2.5
Nice 2